How To Utilize Your Doctor Of Nursing Degree

Many people who choose nursing as their careers are satisfied with clinical or bedside nursing. Taking care of patients is satisfying; however, there are many other ways in which you can utilize your nursing degree.

Many of these ways require advanced education, and if you choose to pursue your doctor of nursing degree, you will have a number of fulfilling career opportunities. Here are some ways to utilize your doctor of nursing degree.


People who have a doctor of nursing degree do well in the academic field. If you enjoy the fields of education or publishing, consider a career as a nursing professor after obtaining your nursing doctorate degree.

You can work in a research institution such as a hospital or university, and if you miss the bedside aspect of clinical nursing, consider becoming a patient educator. People who have been newly diagnosed with diabetes or other chronic illnesses are sometimes encouraged to participate in classes that are held in the hospital before they discharged to go home. The classes are typically run by nurses, many of which who have their doctorate degrees. Your doctorate degree may also allow you to develop the curriculum for nursing classes as well as nursing practice examinations for student nurses. 


Nurses with their doctorate degrees can also enjoy career opportunities in the research field. Whether you have a keen interest in researching new ways to treat patients with illnesses such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, or traumatic brain injuries or you are interested in learning how experimental medications affect the prognosis of those with life-threatening illnesses, the research field may be a great specialty for you.

Doctors of nursing can also team up with other academic professionals to develop clinical studies. In addition to developing the criteria for the studies, your degree may also allow you to monitor the participants so that when the study has been concluded, you can publish the results in nursing and medical journals.

If you enjoy education, research, or pharmacology, consider obtaining your doctor of nursing degree. If you miss bedside nursing, you can still work at your local hospital or nursing home while pursuing your academic endeavors so that your clinical skills stay sharp. It is important that you maintain a high degree of clinical expertise so that you are always relevant and up-to-date on the latest clinical procedures as they related to intravenous therapy, cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedures, and enteral feeding procedures.   

About Me

There Are More Adult Education Options than Many People Realize

In high school, I was very good at math. I decided to major in accounting in college due to my math skills. I then enjoyed working as an accountant for a few years. When my brother was ill in the hospital, I began visiting him frequently and fell in love with the medical industry. I began desiring a change in career, but did not want to go back to college for years again. I soon learned that there are many medical professions that I could enter with a simple certificate, and many even paid very well. I soon began studying to become a license practical nurse, or LPN, during the evening and was able to enter the field after just one year of study. I love helping people, so I decided to post my tips for adult education success on a blog! Come back often for new tips!




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